
Monday, March 18, 2019

statistics work slide

Hi bloggers i'm back with another blog and today I will show you a slide from my statistics work book
and here it is comment what  you think anyway that's all for now bye:)

Friday, March 15, 2019

super heros

Hi bloggers I am back with another blog. This is about a year 5-6 activities and we are making super hero.Here is a slide that has my super heros bio on it comment what you think about the slides  they took a long time to make and at one point Icompletly dileted my whole bio

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

My made up animal

Hi bloggers today I will be talking about  my made up animal it is called a lino it is across between a lion and a rhino it has a lion roar and rhino horn and the lion paws and a rhino body. Sounds impressive right.It took a while to think of what to do but after I knew what I was doing I was speeding along at a cheetahs pace anyway that's all for now bye:)

Monday, March 11, 2019


Image result for wonder front cover
Hi bloggers I am back with another blog and today I will talk about a book that we are reading called wonder and it is great and they have also made a movie on wonder and a sentence  in the bulb that say I won't tell you what I look like because whatever your thinking  it would be worse and it is a great book and here is the front cover. So what do you think of the comment what you think and that is all for now bye:).

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

elgrego comes to school

Hi bloggers im back with another blog and today elgrego came to school and I was an assistant yes you heard me right I was an  assistant and here are some photos
what do you think of me as magician leave a comment of what you think that's all for now bye:)

Friday, March 1, 2019

swimming sports:)

Hi bloggers i'm back with another blog and today I will be blogging about swimming sports and I was super nervous and scared and lots of people were good and my friend Jonathon was the best in the school! All his friends were cheering for him even I was cheering for him and when it was my race I was so nervous there was one person in my year group who was in my race and the other person was a year older than me and  I bet the guy in my year group. I was so happy then all other races I did were half length and I won all those  and I was great at all those races anyway that's all for now bye:)